#199, 1st Floor, 16th Main, 4th T Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore - 560041

Fat Injections

fat injections

Labia augmentation through fat transfer is a straightforward procedure among the various options available for vaginal rejuvenation. This technique involves utilizing liposuction to extract fat from the patient's own body and then carefully injecting it into the vulva area to enhance the volume and fullness of the labia majora region.

What is Fat Transfer?

Fat transfer surgeries are a transformative approach in shaping one's appearance by relocating fat from one part of the body to another. Plastic surgeons skillfully perform these procedures, effectively removing excess fat from specific areas and then injecting it into targeted regions.

fat injections

Typically, the surgeon extracts fat from three primary areas:

  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Thighs

By meticulously relocating the harvested fat to the desired areas, individuals can achieve a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing contour, enhancing their overall appearance. This innovative technique allows for natural-looking results and has become a popular choice for those seeking subtle yet significant changes in their body shape.

Procedure of Fat Transfer Surgery

The procedure is carefully conducted under the combined administration of local anaesthesia and IV sedation for the patient's comfort and safety.

fat injections
  • To begin the process, a skilled medical professional uses a syringe liposuction technique to harvest approximately 75-100 ml of fat from either the patient's abdomen or inner thighs.
  • The harvested fat undergoes a specialized purification and condensing process to ensure its quality and suitability for the procedure.
  • Moreover, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is prepared using an FDA-approved Arthrex Kit and Arthrex centrifuge machine, resulting in 4-5 ml of PRP.
  • The next step involves the synergistic combination of the PRP with the purified fat, creating a potent injectable mixture.
  • Using micro cannulas, the prepared fat and PRP blend is strategically injected through a key-hole incision in the areas surrounding the vaginal opening.

This meticulous approach not only imparts a fuller and more youthful appearance but also enhances the functionality of the treated areas, contributing to a rejuvenated overall look and feel.

What are the benefits associated with Fat Transfer?

  • Reduced Allergic Reactions: Unlike foreign substances used in some cosmetic procedures, fat transfer significantly minimizes the risk of allergic reactions. As the transferred tissue originates from the patient's body, the chances of adverse reactions are notably lower.
  • Outpatient Procedure: Fat transfer procedures are performed on an outpatient basis, allowing patients to return home on the same day of the treatment. This convenience and shorter recovery time make it an appealing choice for many individuals.
  • Versatility in Enhancements: Beyond larger areas, fat transfer offers the ability to plump up smaller body parts, such as hands and acne scars. This versatility allows for personalized and comprehensive cosmetic improvements.

Overall, fat transfer emerges as a safe and effective option, boasting benefits that extend beyond mere aesthetics. By harnessing the body's own resources, patients can achieve not only a naturally enhanced appearance but also experience the advantages of reduced risks and improved procedural convenience.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1.Is fat transfer a safe procedure?

Yes, fat transfer is considered a safe procedure when performed by a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon. Since it involves using the patient's own tissue, the risk of allergic reactions or rejection is minimized. However, like any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications, which your surgeon will discuss with you during the consultation.

The longevity of fat transfer results can vary from person to person. Generally, a portion of the transferred fat may be reabsorbed by the body in the first few months after the procedure. However, the remaining fat cells tend to establish a stable presence in their new location. With proper care and maintenance, the results can last for several years or even be permanent in some cases.

While fat transfer is a versatile technique, there are practical limitations on the amount of fat that can be transferred in a single procedure. The surgeon will evaluate your specific case and consider factors such as the donor site's availability and the recipient area's capacity. They will discuss the optimal amount of fat transfer to achieve the desired results safely.

Yes, fat transfer can often be combined with other cosmetic procedures to enhance overall results. It is commonly used in conjunction with facelifts, breast augmentation, and Brazilian butt lifts, among others. Combining procedures can be an efficient way to achieve comprehensive and harmonious aesthetic improvements, as deemed appropriate by your plastic surgeon.

The recovery period after fat transfer is generally mild compared to more invasive surgeries. Most patients experience some swelling and bruising in both the donor and recipient areas. You may need to avoid strenuous activities for a few weeks and follow specific post-operative care instructions. Your surgeon will provide you with personalized guidelines to ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery process.